Case Study


Female, 33, athlete, marathon runner, lactose intolerant, breast cancer at age 29, mastectomy, (amputation of a chest) and chemotherapy for 4 months.

Patient with pain similar to those before menstruation. 6cm cyst in an ovary. Two days after taking progesterone prescribed by his gynecologist she began to have pain and nausea, with diarrhea and vomiting. After eating she was nauseous and very sleepy (found it impossible to work).

Control with the gynecologist without improvement.

By treating post-traumatic stress disorder (cancer), chronic sinusitis and a visceral problem, the patient was cured.

1 year later the patient is still well.

Stefan Schwarz
Physiotherapist N° Col. 10381
Osteopath, Heilpraktiker (Germany)

Ronda San Pere 39,3°1a
08010 Barcelona